Hadi Hejazifar | هادی حجازی فر

Born in 1355 SH
Hadi Hejazifar Far, born on June 31, 1355 in Khoy city, is an actor and director, graduated with a bachelor’s degree in puppetry from the Faculty of Fine Arts of Tehran University. During his student days, he experienced the cinema by acting in the movie “Father’s Farm” directed by Rasul Malaqlipour. Movies: Be All, Atabai, Amphibian, No Fly Zone, Nimroz Story: Red Blood, Pig Gene, Lottery, At Dinner Time, Katyusha, Shah Kosh, Astigmat, Woodpecker, Ara, Gilda, Nimroz Story, Blood Relationship, Standing Dar Ghbar, Father’s Field/ TV series: Zirkakhi (first season), Doping, Nafs, Karrake and the series of home shows: Prohibited, Prophet with Pejman Jamshidi are some of the works in which Hijazi Far played a role. In addition to directing the theaters: Meeting with the old lady, Romeo and Juliet, another place and presenting as a designer in the show: Flight No. 745/ as a producer: at the Algerian Butterfly Theater and Time Lapse/ as a director’s consultant at the Hoss Theater And he was present for seven minutes. His achievements include: Nominee to receive the award for the best male actor in a TV drama for the forbidden series at the 19th Hafez Festival (World of Image) / Winner of the best male actor statue at the 18th Hafez Film Festival (World of Image) for the movie Lottery / Nominee to receive the best golden statue Male Supporting Actor in the 19th Iranian Cinema Festival for the film Nimroz Story / Winner of the Best Supporting Actor Award in the 11th Iranian Film Critics and Writers Festival for the film Nimroz Story / Nominee to receive the Crystal Simorgh for the Best Supporting Actor in the 35th edition Fajr Film Festival for the movie Nimroz Story/ Nominated for the Best Actor Award from the 33rd Tehran International Short Film Festival for the movie Bloody Relationship/ Nominated for the Golden Statue for the Best Actor in the 18th Iranian Cinema Festival for the film Standing in the dust



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