Mohammad Hossein Mahdavian | محمدحسین مهدویان

Born in 1360 SH
Mohammad Hossein Mahdavian is an Iranian director and screenwriter, born in Babol. He has a bachelor’s degree in cinema direction from Soura University and a master’s degree in production from the Faculty of Broadcasting. Mahdavian was praised for making the film “Standing in the Dust” and Crystal Simorgh received the best film of Fajr Film Festival 2014. For the movie Nimroz story, he received Crystal Simorgh for the second time as the best film of Fajr Film Festival 2015. The movies of Nimroz story: Redkhon, Shishlik, Lotari, Walnut Tree, Loser Man and the documentary Last Days of Winter are among his other creations.



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