Reza Behbudi | رضا بهبودی

Born in 1350 SH
Reza Behbudi was born on 1st Shahrivar 1350 in Gilan province, he is a film, theater and television actor, graduated in theater direction from the Faculty of Cinema and Theater, a member of the Iran Theater House Actors Association, a member of the Liv Theater Group and an acting teacher. He started acting in 1376 by playing a role in Behrouz Gharibpour’s Behrooz Gharibpour show. Improvement in the series of home shows: Beggar’s Queen (Filimo special), Khatun/ TV series: Office No. 13, Rozgar Qarib, Abroui Haszadare, Last Ghazal/ Teletheater Trap: Courtship and Bear/ TV Movie: Te Chin/ Movies Cinematic: Cedar under the water, Oxidant, Mother of the atomic heart, Cloak, A long day, Nobody dies here, Rage and noise, Lantori, Seven months old, I want you, Maryam’s disappearance story, The sensitive floor, I’m not angry, Laboratory, Ashkan , Anshur Matbarak and some other stories/theater: After a show directed by Fardin Mehraayin, Benavayan directed by Behrouz Gharibpour, Arousaki Haft Khan Esfandiar directed by Hossein Ziyai, Waiting for Godo directed by Ali Akbar Alizad, Invisible Cities directed by Hassan Majuni , I have to go late, directed by Mohammad Aqebati, Parvaneh and Yogh, directed by Arvand Dasht Arai, Bear and Suitor, directed by Hassan Majouni, Macbeth, directed by Arash Dadgar, The Slow Sleep of Death, directed by Hassan Majouni, Walking on the Cloud with Eyes Closed Directed by Arvand Dasht Arai, Peace of another kind directed by Shabnam Farshadjo, The Big Foot of the City Wall directed by Hassan Majuni, Takht and Almas directed by Majid Ghatachi, Sons of Gold directed by Mehdi Makari, 15 years to come directed by Saeeda Amirsai, Lirshah directed by Arash Dadger, the monologue of the sound room directed by Mohammad Aqibati, Caligula directed by Homayun Ghanizadeh, Dai Vaniya directed by Mohammad Hassan Majouni, Ivanov directed by Amirreza Kohestani, the monologue of the hands of Dr. Zemlweis directed by Payam Frouten, Glen Gray Glen Ross directed by Parsa Pirozfar, We came, you didn’t, we went, directed by Reza Haddad, A long line of ants directed by Mehdi Chakri, Waiting for Godot directed by Homayun Ghanizadeh, Stones in his pockets directed by Parsa Pirouzfar, The Cherry Orchard directed by Hassan Majuni, Faust directed by Hamidreza Naimi Hozor had. Director of the shows “Hamchi Me Ghirseh To Nami Ghirsh”, Madhe San Madar, Atlas Hai Gadameshed, Waiting Room/screenplay consultant for the short film “Passenger” directed by Arash Safi/Director’s consultant for the show “I have to go, it’s too late” directed by Mohammad Aqebati/Acting and acting in the short film “Gosheh Khais Khayane” directed by Payam Azizi are other records of this artist. Behbodhi has won an award from the 17th Tyburn Film Festival, University Theater Festival, Actor House Theater Festival, Parvin Etesami International Short Film Festival and Tehran International Video Film Festival.



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