Reza Iranmanesh | رضا ایرانمنش

Mohammad reza Iranmanesh (Zadeh Jiroft) is an acting graduate from Tehran University’s Faculty of Fine Arts and a master’s degree in directing from Tarbiat Modares University. He has appeared in more than 60 movies and TV series. In 1372, he was nominated for the Best Actor award at the 12th Fajr Film Festival for his role in the movie Sajjade Atash. He is also a veteran of Iran and Iraq war. He was present in many operations and became a chemical veteran in Wal-Fajr 8 operation due to inhaling mustard gas. According to the Fars film reporter, “Reza Iranmanesh”, a film and television actor, went into a coma in the last days of April 1391, but regained consciousness on April 25. He acted in films such as Telephone (1378), Trevor (1376), Kamin (1375), Dekel (1374), Last Identification (1372) and Sajjadeh Atash (1372) as an actor and in the film Oraman (1386) as a director. The producer and screenwriter were present.



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